Presentacion La Tendeta del Cuero


Welcome to En Cueros, the Blog of La Tendeta del Cuero.

We are tremendously excited to open this section to share all our knowledge with you and contribute our grain of sand to disseminate the world of leather, which is very broad.

Use this Blog to learn leather cleaning and maintenance techniques, know and differentiate the different types of leather, learn basic concepts about leather, as well as ideas or suggestions for crafts to do with leather.

There are many questions that you ask us on a daily basis, so we will try to collect the most common ones and give them an answer so that they serve as a reference guide for everyone.

It is quite a challenge for us to try to put our knowledge into words, but we will try to explain ourselves as best as possible.

Of course, any doubt or question you may have we will be happy to help you.

We are ready? Let's start!!

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