¿Cuánto sabes de cuero? La Tendeta del Cuero

How much do you know about leather?

What is easier to recycle, animal leather, synthetic leather or the same?

We launched this question on our social networks and there was a great participation, most of them guessing the correct answer.

leather recycling

Indeed, animal leather decomposes faster because it contains carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, three elements that bacteria and fungi are attracted to and like to eat, so the decomposition process is accelerated.

Plastic-based materials are relatively inert and poor in nutrients for bacteria and fungi, so the decomposition process is much slower than that of animal leather.

Leather as a raw material is generated in a renewable and sustainable way since consumers will always need animal meat to eat. The manufacturing process, if carried out with good environmental controls, has a minimal impact and the complete life cycle of leather has a lower carbon footprint and water consumption than any other material, since it increases the durability of the product. In addition, during the final phase of the product's life, leather degrades rapidly by chemical and biological means, as we have already mentioned.

At La Tendeta del Cuero we are committed to the environment and the environment and a large part of our leather comes from surpluses and seasonal changes from fashion and footwear factories. By buying leather on our website you will be promoting the reuse and recycling of leather, thereby contributing our bit to avoid contaminating the planet.

All the skins of La Tendeta del Cuero come from animals in the meat industry, which is why they have passed all the quality controls and, furthermore, these animals have not been mistreated or slaughtered for the use of their skin.

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